We all know the basics of milestones like age 7, 18, 21, 30, etc. We know the differences between babies, toddlers, children, tweens, teenagers, and adults. There's also the whole mental growth chart and physical growth chart like when girls and boys start developing. We all know these things already, but have you ever wondered the benchmarks of adulthood? I say benchmark because it's the milestone in your life wherein your mind and body start to make better sense of things. Of course this depends on a lot of other things, but in general, I really think there are specific 'marks' in adulthood. For me, "Chapter 25" is the beginning of choosing your path in adulthood and this is like a NO TURNING BACK ZONE.
I noticed there was a huge jump from 24 years old to 25 years old. When I was reaching the end of 24, I was still naive, but I knew I had to make dramatic and big choices that will define my whole life. I still had the chance to be wild and free, but a big part of me was becoming serious and more mature. Like all young people, I had to battle my weaknesses and bad habits, but when I turned 25, it was like a switch in my mind that made things much easier to handle. When I turned 25, I became more outspoken and open-minded. I was able to fight for what I believed in. I still went through the same amount of pain as I did when I was 21-24, but for some reason, I was able to handle my problems better and more efficiently. I started talking about this with a lot of people and they all gave me the same gist of things. 25 is the beginning of finalizing your whole life. It's 5 years before you're 30 and that's the age when marriage, kids, and financial stability really starts to hit your brain. It's 5 years after feeling the hype of finishing your "-teen" years. At 25, you're literally at the middle of growing mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. At 25, you should know where you stand. So, this gave me the thought of understanding how all the mistakes and pain I went through from 20-24 are stepping stones. This gave me the understanding that all the people from 20-24 are going through exactly what I went through and I should give them a chance to reach the 25 mark to understand where they stand. 1. Your actions at this point truly define who you are. Should I do this or that? Everything from this point on matters because you're preparing yourself for what's to come, good and bad. Yah, okay. You made mistakes in the past, well, this is your time to decide what you're going to do about your past. Will you leave it behind or dwell in it? Will you use it against others or tell yourself your past is in the past and it doesn't belong in the present? It's all up to you, but you know your choice will define you. 2. You're more compassionate, patient, and kind. You quit the whole "i don't have feelings" or "I don't like to feel" script you pulled off when you were younger. You understand that feelings can be handled well and your reaction makes up your whole. You can feel another person's mood better than before. You learn the power of communication (you know it's not all about talking, but your gestures and manner of speaking play a huge role in your life now). You're more patient with your loved ones. You take the time to listen and help them. It's all because your maturing in all aspects of your life. 3. Sleep and Relaxation. Zen. Those days when you could stay up all night and function the next day goes down the drain. Nope, you need sleep as much as you need air! Clubs and Bars are okay, but all night long? No thanks. You don't mind a few drinks, but a nice sit around talk and laugh while drinking beers or wine at home with friends is good! So good! Weekends don't have to be spent outside... being indoors is GOOD. The chance to catch up with tv shows or read a book all day long sounds like heaven! 4. You're the captain in your friend'SHIP' You're starting (or you've reached) the point of being contented with the friends in your life. You stop trying to measure fame by counting the number of people you have on your social media sites. You know that people come and go in your life and that's okay! You're happy with the memories and keeping friendships positive. You stop trying to please everyone. You really do stop caring what other people think about you because you're mature and confident. 5. Problems can always be dealt with. I think this is the most important one. If you're 25+ and you still deal with your problems through revenge, anger, hate or using the internet as a weapon, then go back to #1. At this point in life, you get to control your emotions better. When people hurt you, it's easier to handle things in a more peaceful way. Your immature days of revenge and hate turn into personal confrontation or simply letting it go. You know there are more important things to deal with rather than immature minded people. You know that problems are trials and there's space for trial and error. You know it's time to deal with things maturely and thinking about your actions is the right way to go! Comments are closed.
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