I don't know about you, but at the end of the day, how we treat people who hurt us means more than how we treat the ones we love. When it comes to the people we love, we will do anything because we feel grateful, but what about those who don't matter to you? Today, it's so easy to put down someone, especially online. The world wide web makes it so easy to be non-confrontational and it's so easy to bash and humiliate someone because you can gather troops in a second with just a click. It's also easy to put on a mask and live a life full of lies because online, it's easy to hide the truth, especially to the ones who don't know you. There are so many bits and pieces that come in and it ends up being some kind of back and forth war... it's all so complicated. You reach a point in your life wherein you can't welcome that anymore. It's so useless.
My heart changed a long time ago. People still hurt me... but I'm not going to go and humiliate them and gather troops on my side to hate and humiliate with me. I don't think it's about how people see me, it's about how the ones who love me see me AND how I see myself. What matters most is how I treat the ones who hurt me and the ones I don't know because I don't owe them anything. I learned this from my parents. They never taught me to hate on the ones who hurt me. They were around me and saw the pain and guilt I went through when I made mistakes. They were there to listen when I'd open up about my troubles, but never once did they tell me to get angry and act on hate. There were times I didn't listen of course, but now that I'm old enough to actually have kids and raise one myself, I get it. I super duper understand why they taught me to treat things with love in my mind and never hate. They told me to go get angry, but don't use that anger to hate. If I have a child who takes pride in hurting someone else for whatever reason, I know I'm not going to be proud. It only shows my child is a coward and needs some kind of evil energy to show their power and strength. How you treat someone shows who you actually are. It's those times you really can't hide your personality or characteristics. You can say you're strong or even brave... but when you treat someone with physical and verbal cruelty for whatever reason, you're not better than the one you're accusing of making a mistake. It's really as easy as that. There are no "buts" or "ifs" anymore... because that person made a choice to be cruel back. That's the thing... you don't have to be cruel back and that's what every respectable adult knows. Kids will be kids, but you hit a time in your life wherein you know it's all cowardly. When you take down your pride and take a breathe, you see how it's not right even if you're the victim of negativity. Someone can hurt you, even to points of wanting to die... but it's still your choice to be strong for yourself and strength is not about how you 'take down' a person... it's how you can sit yourself down and tell yourself there needs to be a positive change in your life. It's never my business on how much someone should suffer because who made me a god? Who ever said I have the power to make someone feel about themselves (even more than they already do?)? Who said I should use someone's insecurity as a weapon and make them even more insecure? It's never my business. It's not yours either. Do you really want to know who you are? Ask yourself what you would do if someone hurt you so much and if you'd actually push through with it. Popular Media teaches us cruelty, so are you going to allow media to tell you who you should be or are you making your own choices and siding with your humanity? Your reaction is worth more than a thousand words. It's worth more than this entry. When you purposely make someone else hate, you're not better. That's all it is. You can be the victim of bullying and hate, but once you spread it yourself, you're no better than the bullies and haters out there. Always (ALWAYS) treat others well. It doesn't matter who they are, where they are from, or what they've done. The real power in that is you don't know what people are actually going through and your act of kindness can makes a difference. Big or small. Life doesn't stop for anyone so don't hold yourself back from all the awesomeness that can happen just because you're spending your waking hours feeding the hate you feel. It catches up on you pretty quickly but it's even worse when it decides to come back at you years later. Life will always find a way to show you the truth about living and being alive. Comments are closed.
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October 2022