AMS! This little girl is the eldest kid in the 'next generation' (meaning, after my sister, cousins and I). So, i'm not surprised she had a huge impact in my life. She's not my kid (doi), but being a 'NINANG' (Aunt) for the first time was a huge game changer because I had certain responsibilities I never had to face before. I found myself being part of raising a child to be good hearted. Not directly... the way her parents or grandparents did, but she crossed my mind whenever I had to make decisions, especially when it came to someone else's well-being. I'd end up asking myself, "Is this the kind of world I want Ams to be part of?" Thank you, Ams, for being the Peace in my heart. You gave me a different kind of solitude which brought me to believing in acts of Kindness. Thank you for being the one who always made me smile when we would have our little play dates. I'm always going to remember taking you to playgrounds and jungle gyms. I'm always going to remember the smiles that appeared on your face when we would enter toy stores and we would go crazy over all the new toys. Thank you Ams for being one of the greatest gifts life could ever give me. I love you and I want you to know I'm always going to be here for you! I promise to always teach you the awesome part of life.
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October 2022